

A Literary Mission








on 08/26/2008


A group of students gather together in one room to discuss what literature says about values and beliefs of our life. These students come from several places and cultures. They have been taught different meanings of what is honor and courage. Each one of them beliefs and sees things in the eyes of his community and culture.

When they look together into a play or a poem and see what Shakespeare thought about these values, some would agree and some would argue.

Others would say that the analysis made is not the right one, but who cares? Sometimes the difference in understanding what a certain value means is the secret for the amazing variety of cultures and beliefs around the world. The normal situation is to have an argument and difference in understanding things in this world.

If all humans were dressed in the same way and thought in the same way then where are the competition and the challenge that are the secret of pleasure and enjoyment. Honor for example can be explained in more than one way. Is honor given by people or it can be obtained by accepting and respecting ourselves. Is honor gained only by sacrifice or honor is given if we really appreciate who we are and what we do.
The real perfect world that we can create is the one that includes inside it people who disagree and argue about the matters of life, but at the same time have the ability to live in peace and exchanged respect between each other even though they don’t agree on everything between them.
We created the beliefs and laws of our life to make a system that leads us into its challenges. They are just a guide book that helps us in the time we feel we are in trouble or losing something. They are also there for us when we win and want to give a meaning for our victory.
Reading or dreaming about the words victory, innocence, honor, dignity, courage, love, peace, and respect could make us feel our best feelings and enjoy our human needs. This is the mission of these words. We don’t need to create a war in order to achieve victory, or to go to fight in order to be called courage, or to become a dictator in order to be honored. These qualities and values are in each one of us. If you search for them, you will find them and relieve yourself.
